Saturday, April 30, 2011

Animal Rights! Part 1

Im sorry for the pictures above but this is the only way for this message to be passed on, by facing the truth . STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY . when you see these pictures, you might ask, 'how can somebody do that to an innocent being' well the truth is that hundreds of thousands of animals nowadays are being tortured and slaughtered by inhumane ways. Now when i say inhumane i literally do mean INHUMANE.

One example would be the slaughtering of dogs on the streets on Vietnam. The Vietnamese believed that the more the animal is tortured, the more tastier it is when cooked. And one by one each dog is brutally tortured by hitting them with sticks repeatedly, kicked till the point where bone breaks, and even chopping of their legs when they are still alive, all of this happening right infront of the next line up of dogs in cages awaiting their turn. Animals nowadays are being kept as pets but the number of pets that dont live up to a good life is because their owners irresponsibly discard their pets on the streets,
Speaking of irresponsible owners, some cold-hearted people treat their pets as if they are nothing and abuse their pets as if they have no feelings. Recently a video of a Malaysian man abusing a poodle found in a pendrive caught the the nation's attention when it was fowarded through facebook. The man in his early to mid 20's was found abusing the poodle when the dog failed to stand as instructed by the man. The man would beat, slap, and throw the poodle across the room just because the dog couldn't stand up. I mean what kind of person would do such a thing. I feel and disgusted to know that such people actually exist in this world.

I mean the saying is true that 'out of all the living things in this world, there is only one species that has the power to take care of all the species on earth, and thats us' but how can we even start when there are some who see the opposite.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. I'll forward your message on. Thank you and don't give up. We can do this Xx. Sophie, Cambridge, UK
